There are lot of people I’ve encountered in our life who seem to enjoy tranquil loneliness and don’t like to be around people. Most of the time they have very valid, logical reasons for not trusting or not even wanting to meet others. I knew this one friend who had the very same notions about people and kept away from almost everyone. But it turned out to be disastrous, and he is now being treated for a severe case of Schizophrenia. All this because God never intended humans to stay under solitary confinement.. we’re wired differently!

Most of us go through times when we ‘think’ we don’t have anybody we can lean upon or more often we really don’t know whom to run to. This post is an attempt to help you realize that it is essential to find, trust and be with people you love and those who genuinely love you.



I had learnt in my 5th standard Social Studies text book that Man is a social animal. Well, I don’t agree with the “animal” part but can vouch for the part that God created man as a social being. We cannot live life on our own, containing ourselves in our own tiny world. You and I essentially need a small haven to be placed in, to love and to be loved.

1. You Need a Father: God created man in his own image and likeness. And since the time we fell victim to sin, that image has been distorted. And we have been living as orphans ever since without anyone to look up to or learn from. Yes, you may have a physical father but the problem is that you are not just a physical entity, you are a spiritual being. For flesh gives birth to flesh and Spirit gives birth to spirit.(John 3:6)

You need your heavenly Father! The Bible says, “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. (Jesus)” – John 1:12. Believing, and Receiving the name of Jesus has the power to transform your old sinful self into the image and likeness of God, into making you and me a child of God! Once you are His child, you are assured of His presence all around you! (Matt 28:20)

2. You Need a Family: Even before Sin corrupted the human race, when there existed perfect fellowship between God and Man like that of a Father and a Son, God looked at Adam and made this solemn declaration. “It is not good for Man to be alone” (Gen 2:18) God made Man in his likeness, and just like there is fellowship within the trinity, between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, there needs to be fellowship between you and the family that God has placed you in.

Your family could be anyone, It could be your spouse and children. It could also be your parents and siblings, or even your close friends. Not always will you get support and help from your physical family. For instance, Jesus’ family was his disciples. (Matt 12:49) God is the one who places the lonely in families. (Psalm 68:6) If you have not yet recognized your family, ask the Lord to help you identify them and their presence around you.Once you have recognized your family, share, care and live for them.

Christopher McCandless who went Into the Wild to get away from the world and civilization scribbled this in his journal before he died all alone in the jungles of Alaska, “Happiness (is) real only when shared”

3. You Need a Fellowship: Once your life is reconciled with the Father and you have found and acknowledged your family, you need a Fellowship. You need a group, a church or a fellowship that you will be part of, and accountable to. This is where you gather regularly (atleast) on a weekly basis. The bible tells us the importance of the assembling of the saints. (Hebrews 10:25) This is where you learn the Word together with other believers, submit to spiritual leadership, serve the needy, and also get equipped for your life and work outside the Church! [stextbox id=”info” image=”mailto:[email protected]”](If you don’t know of a bible believing Church or Fellowship, please feel free to write to us with your complete address, we will be more than glad to help you find one nearest to your place)[/stextbox]

Learn to recognize the Fatherhood of God in your life and soak regularly in His presence. Commit yourself to your responsibilities within your Family. Indulge yourself in the assembly and ministry of your local Church.

There might still be times when you feel lonely and alone. Jesus was in the center of the will of God in his life when He hung alone on the cross and cried out, “My God My God Why have you forsaken me?” (Matt 27:46)

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I would like to hear from you. What are the lessons you have learnt from your times of running away from God and people? Where do you think you need improvement, in your relationship with your Heavenly Father, your earthly Family or your spirtual Fellowship? How do you plan to counter them? If it is not personal please feel free to login and share in the comments section below.