Have you heard the song ‘It’s my life’ by Jon Bon Jovi? One of my friends recently sang something similar to me. Although it was a bit off-tune, the person meant every word of it! As I spoke about the things that needed a fix in this person’s life, I got a stern answer from the friend, saying, “What is the use of doing things that I don’t want to do? I’ll do what I want to, what I feel like doing! I’ll follow my heart!”
Of course! That would seem like the perfectly logical thing to do but then, what kind of a heart do we have? Deep introspection of our hearts will reveal that we were wretchedly covered with vices and sin right from the time we were born! So what would happen if we were to follow such a wicked heart?
Recently, I happened to listen to Hell’s Bells Part 2, where I heard so many songs and philosophy of the present age that propagate the idea “Do what you want to do!”, “Follow your heart!”, “Believe in yourself!”, “The answer lies inside of you!” And it all echoes the principle of Anton LaVey the author of the Satanic Bible, who quoted, “Say unto thine own heart, ‘I am my own redeemer.'” (Book of Satan 4:3)
Deception! Wasn’t it the same in the garden of Eden? Satan tricked Adam & Eve into singing a Bon Jovi, thus becoming selfish and deciding for themselves what they were supposed to do, instead of depending on God for directions and guidance. The very moment they listened to their hearts, they became disobedient to God and consequently, obedient and slave to Satan and sin. The Bible says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death” (Prov 14:12)
So then, is it wrong to listen to our heart? Well it depends on who leads it. When our hearts are in complete control of the Holy Spirit, we are absolutely safe! Otherwise we could be making an eternally fatal mistake, caught up in deception, being lead to the valley of Death
For this reason, it is extremely essential that we keep our focus and lives centered around the will of God. So much so, that Jesus taught us to pray to the Father everyday inviting His sovereign will into our lives! (Thy will be done – Matt 6:10) Even when Jesus faced the cruelty and the pain of enduring the cross and it’s suffering, He prayed, “Not my will, but thine be done” (Luke 22:42) If He, who has equal rights in the Trinity, submitted to the Father’s will, how much more should you and I?
Jesus goes on to proclaim in Matt 7:21, that salvation is not complete with a mere confession of Jesus as our Lord, but with us doing the will of the Father. The will of the Father is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, as we read through the scriptures. It’s revealed to us more vividly by the Holy Spirit (also called the Counselor) as we spend more time praying and listening to God.
Are you battling between the choice of “My will or Thy will”? The Holy Spirit is also called the Helper. He will help you surrender your will and do only your Father’s will.
If you are not yet sure that you have put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, may I invite you to do that today?
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Detailed cardiograms, a 64 slice scan and endoscopy procedures have revealed that our hearts are wretchedly covered with vices and sin right from the time we were born!
now can i see that report 😀 lols
Had to cut it out bro, many couldn’t understand it. Thanks for the comment though! Bless you!