Here we are, it has been an year since i started on the domain I take this opportunity to thank all the subscribers, readers, viewers and sharers.

It’s my dear friend, brother and mentor Rev. Shyju Mathew who kept motivating me to keep writing regularly and has been constantly encouraging me to build up the quality of this blog.

God has enabled Rev. Shyju Mathew to be a mentor and leader to young and elderly leaders alike, He has been an excellent guide to many leaders from all walks of life. That is why i desired to do this video interview with him, and I hope and pray that this video blesses you.


You can also read and subscribe to his blog at or follow him on facebook or twitter. Thank you for stopping by, if the video blesses you, feel free to share or tweet it out to your friends. We would love to hear your thoughts and comments below.


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[stextbox id=”info”]You may also read this previous guestpost by Rev. Shyju Mathew on this Blog “5 Secrets of Seeking Every Believer Should Practice”[/stextbox]