If your answer to my question above is not Jesus, please click here. If he is Jesus, read ahead to know the benefits of being in this relationship with God. I am about to discuss here a few of the promises that he has given us for this life here on earth. God has not only given us the position of being his servants, but also the authority of being his children. He has not only given us the position of being his friends but also the resources of being his bride! We have been given the Holy Spirit as a seal like an engagement ring which assures a bride that her bridegroom is soon coming to take her! (Eph 4:30) I love this quote by dear friend Shyju, “The Holy Spirit does not anoint you for yourself, but for a generation” Read on…
Servants or Friends?
Jesus said, No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. (Joh 15:15) We all like the prodigal son returning back home; came back to God saying, please allow us into your house as your servants! But God responded by accepting us back as his children, not as slaves. As his friends and not as servants. Yes, we should always have the attitude of servants, but our relationship with the Lord should be that of the one between friends. I don’t think I will ever think about impressing my friend! I know that he is already impressed and loves me. That’s how you and I can relate with God, today! Because we are his friends now. The key promise here being that you will get to hear from the Lord. He will tell you of everything that’s happening in the Father’s heart! Ain’t that a privilege?
I encourage you to claim that promise and cling on to God to know his heart for your life, your family, your college, your workplace, for the land you are living in and to get mighty revelations from the word so that you can minister to the people around you.
Friends or Family?
Paul says, the relationship between Christ and the church is a profound mystery. (Eph 5:32) Cos it’s like the relationship between a man his wife. Exodus 21 talks about the principles in handling female slaves in the house. If a master lets his son marry the slave, then the slave is no longer just a slave, she will be like his daughter. (verse 9) Three things that her husband cannot deny her at any time is proper food (provision), adequate clothing (security) and all her marital rights (authority). (verse 10) When I read that one time, I was knocked out of the place that I was sitting with the amazement of the fact that God in this verse was telling us all the rights and benefits of being the church and thus the bride of Christ.
Did you know of the provision, the security and the authority that God has vested on your hands? If we are the bride and the body of Christ, then we need to walk this earth like the Lord himself did. Giving provision for the needy, providing security to the lost and the broken, and setting free all those who are oppressed and chained by the devil. Jesus did not multiply the food for himself, nor did he heal his own hurting body on the cross nor did he get himself released from the hands of his tormentors, but he sure did that for people around him during his life here on earth. Now that same responsibility and authority is given into our hands! God chooses to partner with us for the salvation of the world, like a husband partnering with his wife! Is that a burden or a privilege? God reminded me the last week that I should not consider it a burden to pray for the lost or to do ministry, but a privilege!
Who’s your Master?
Now, that you know you have the provision, the security and the authority that the world is looking for, may i ask you this one final question, how big is your sphere of influence? How big do you think it should be? How big is your dream and your vision? Rick Warren was asked by a news reporter when he was planting a church in saddleback valley, how many people does he want to have in his church as members. Rick immediately replied “10,000” Surprised, the reporter asked, “Who do you think you are?” In reply, Pastor Rick Warren said “You ask me the wrong question, it is not who I am that matters, but who I think God is” Ain’t that true? I am not asking you to put your trust and confidence in your self but in the Lord and his power! Not to boast about yourself, but about the lavish love and greatness of your Husband and your Master! Think Big, Start Small, Trust God and Act Now! – Aldrin Bogi
I thank GOD for you brother for this devotion….continue writing what GOD speaks to you and what the HOLY SPIRIT wants to tell the world through you…
These lines,
” If we are the bride and the body of Christ, then we need to walk this earth like the Lord himself did. Giving provision for the needy, providing security to the lost and the broken, and setting free all those who are oppressed and chained by the devil. Jesus did not multiply the food for himself, nor did he heal his own hurting body on the cross nor did he get himself released from the hands of his tormentors, but he sure did that for people around him during his life here on earth. Now that same responsibility and authority is given into our hands! God chooses to partner with us for the salvation of the world, like a husband partnering with his wife!”
really touched my Spirit..it reminds me how much more selfless life i have to live in this world like JESUS lived!…I pray that GOD who taught me will enable me to live such a life for HIM and the Glory of HIM alone!!!!..May GOD be Glorified in me!..
GOD BLESS YOU!!!! Brother….
Hello Vaishnavi! Thanks for the response. Indeed the God who revealed will also enable and empower you to live a life that is centred on God and his purposes! Bless you!