It is less than one week to go for our wedding, and as every groom and bride would face, we are under pressure with anxiety over almost everything under the sun related to the wedding preparations.


As we were in prayer this morning, God spoke to both of us through Phil 4, a part of which we would like to share with you in this post.

1. Always Rejoice

Philippians 4:4 (AMP)

Rejoice in the Lord always delight, gladden yourselves in Him; again I say, Rejoice!

It is a continual commandment in the bible, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice in the Lord!!! If we can make it a practice to rejoice irrespective of our circumstances, there will be no problem or worry that will look big for us.

2. Remain Unselfish

Philippians 4:5 (AMP)

Let all men know and perceive and recognize your unselfishness (your considerateness, your forbearing spirit). The Lord is near; He is coming soon.

It is in times of immense pressure that we tend to become more selfish (than what we already are) and struggle to change everything to revolve around our likes and wants. At this point, the greatest lesson to be learned is the lesson of selflessness. We have to do our best to not give in to the temptation of becoming selfish no matter how much the situation demands.

3. Don’t Worry

Philippians 4:6 (AMP)

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything..

This one is a very lightly taken yet a very firm and important commandment in the holy Bible. Jesus emphasises it over and over again. We do not gain anything out of worrying, hence it would be best to leave the thinking part to God. I’m not saying we shouldn’t plan our lives or that we shouldn’t prepare accordingly. What it means here is that we shouldn’t fret about things or be anxious about the temporary and little things in life.

4. Be Prayerful

Philippians 4:6 (AMP)

..but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests)..

We can never replace the importance and essentiality of prayer with positive thinking or avoiding worrying. Prayer is basically that state of your heart where you yield yourself to God and express your dependency on Him. The verse commands us to pray in every circumstances good and bad, fun and boring times equally.

5. Go Grateful:

Philippians 4:6 (AMP)

..with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.

And finally, remain grateful to God. Giving thanks is an attitude that not only shows God that you have not taken Him or His blessings for granted but also set yourself up for more blessing and breakthroughs!

And here’s the reward if you follow the above five things.

Philippians 4:7 (NLT)

Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Is there anything more precious than enjoying the peace of God in our hearts and minds? It will not only guard us but also guide us into all the ways of God.

May I ask you how you’ve handled anxiety and worry in your life? Does this post help you? What is it that helped you the most? Do share!