On the 19th of last month, I returned home from my first date night with my beautiful wife Rashmi, and I must tell you that it was the best feeling in the world to have spent time with her, with no distractions of people, pings, rings or anything else that capture my attention in my small and busy world.

Though we love each other, most days of the weeks post marriage went by with us being involved in activities and ministries together, without us getting real ‘relationship-time’ with each other. So we decided that we would keep aside a few hours every week which we would use as our date night time, with no distractions of mobile phones, ministry responsibilities or even family pressures getting in the way!

This made me think, that though we all love God and that we live this life for Him, very often our life gets entangled in a number of activities that we do along with God, rather than those that lead us to a real ‘relationship-time’ with God where we actually go on a date night with Jesus and let Him take pleasure in us, and we the same in Him.

As I say this, I feel the heart of God call me into a deep relationship with His heart, much deeper than the one I share with my lovely wife. I feel the Lover of my soul wooing me to Himself!

And thus it says in Song of Songs 2:10 (NLT)

‘My lover said to me, “Rise up, my darling! Come away with me, my fair one!”‘

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I wish to go on regular date nights with Jesus, where I don’t allow the activities and the responsibilities of every day life to get in the way of me getting to know God and God getting to know me.

Would you allow the Lord to have the same access into your life, where He is not just your Protector and Provider, but also your Lover, one whom you cannot live without? Will you learn to live a life of daily dependence on God’s love for you?

It is out of such closeness and intimacy with God that the life, character and the ministry of Jesus begins to manifest through our life. And that is our destiny, to live a life that bears the image and glory of Jesus in every aspect of our lives.

What are the things that you need to disconnect from in order to pursue God’s love call over your life? Would you like to share the story of your date nights with Jesus? Please feel free to leave your valuable comments below.