How Your Short Temper is Killing Your Marriage!
Here are few things that come as a result of you not exercising control over your temper and growing above it.
7 Tips to Get Out of Toxic Relationships
Why is it that we fall victims to toxic relationships in several seasons of our life? How is it that the blindness of this so-called love often tricks us into trusting people that don’t deserve it? Read on.
Man of Faith v/s Man of Science!
Faith in the only begotten son of God is the driving force behind our spirit man’s well being. I pray that this post will ignite some fresh faith in your spirit.
5 Practical Ways to Become an Instrument in Devil’s Hands
We allow the devil to use us for his purposes several times a day, by just being careless with our words or actions. Here are some things we do that has the potential for the enemy to lay hold of and use us to be his instruments of unrighteousness and destruction!
5 Practical Tips to Walk in Health and Wholeness
Here are few physical things you should be wise about and plan to take care so that your health remains on point to be able to fulfill the purposes of God in this generation!
Hold Up to Finances (by Loren Cunningham)
Loren Duane Cunningham is a founder of the international Christian missionary movement Youth With A Mission and the University of the Nations. Here’s the transcript of the audio where he teaches on finance.
Guilty of Over Sensationalising God’s Presence
I recently heard this phrase ‘Over Sensationalising God’s Presence’ in a comment made by Pastor Craig Groeschel in a sermon he preached at Life Church. I have to accept and agree that I am also guilty of doing this in my own life and ministry. Read on.
A Personal Touch
Do you know how easy and practical it is to believe in and to live for God? I would like to remind you few of the attributes of God, revealed in His Son Jesus Christ that will allow you to have a closer relationship with Him.
‘Pistos’ Children!
His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ – Matthew 25:21,23
The Little Wrong in Every Right
Just back after a vacation with like-minded people, the mind felt as fresh as the dewy, lush, tropical rain-forests of Kerala, where we shared some good time. Here’s what God put in my heart to share on this blog. Read on.
How Porn Kills
We live in a day and age where porn is not just ignored or excused, it’s socially accepted and justified. In this post I attempt to give you five reasons why you need to flee pornography, because if you don’t, it will really kill you!
A Year of Supernatural ABUNDANCE
It is a new year and it is time for us to seek out fresh direction from God, and expect new beginnings in every area of our lives! Psalm 65 was the rhema word we received from God for our church and over our ministry partners. As you read this, I want to declare the same over you, and hope you will receive this as something that God has in store for you.