Redeeming Your Time – Plan It

Nov 22, 2018 | Worship

Proverbs 31:15 NLT
She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plan the day’s work for her servant girls.

This podcast is a repost originally published on May 11, 2016

Series: Redeeming Your Time

The wise woman used to get up early and plan the day’s work. It’s wise to plan and organize our day’s work.

Once in a while, it is good to leave a day free to do something spontaneous or rest, but at other times, it is wise to spend some time in planning our day or week.

We don’t have to necessarily make an hourly based schedule and stick to it but it is good to make a list of the commitments that we have (E.g. studies, work, family), and try to finish that before watching TV or playing, etc.

If we fail to plan to succeed, we plan to fail. Success doesn’t come accidentally. We should plan and dream to succeed.

We don’t have to plan something and force it on God but we should plan and commit it into HIS hands. HIS plans are higher than our plans, and when we submit our plans to Him, He will make sure that His will prevails in our lives.

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