Consider the One

May 15, 2018 | Worship

Isaiah 22:11 NLT
“Between the city walls, you build a reservoir for water from the old pool. But you never ask for help from the One who did all this. You never considered the One who planned this long ago.”

Series: The Book of Isaiah

Welcome to another beautiful morning to worship Him and to look to Him for help, His provision, His protection and His presence in our lives.

We think that worship is only about going to God once in a week, day or when we need something and get away from it.

Israelites made the same mistake. They did go to God when they needed help, when they were surrounded by the enemy or when they were under attack. The bible says after the victory they started turning their focus from God to their own resources.

In Isaiah 22:11, God is saying that He was the One who planned their victory, gave them provision, fought for them, brought them thus far and if anything, they should have come back to Him and received and expected help and but yet God says they have gone back.

That is an expression that you don’t trust and need God anymore in your life. You have worshipped and loved God but you don’t need Him any more.

The Lord desires that you come back to Him and continue to stay with HIm.

We do the same, sometimes we go to God for a blessing, healing, promotion and some breakthrough. But once we get the breakthrough we begin to depend on ourselves and on our own circumstances and we think that we don’t need God anymore.

Can you learn to just depend on Him in every season of your life? Not just in seasons where you have plenty but even in seasons when you have lack?

And if we do go to Him in those seasons God will make sure that you are never disappointed and lose hope.

The best expression of your worship is to continually depend on God, even after your blessing comes and in every season of life.

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