Honor, Prosperity, Joy

Jul 10, 2018 | Worship

Isaiah 61:7 NLT
“Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.”

Series: The Book of Isaiah

Everyday make it a point to pursue God and especially the prophesies that He has spoken over you.

Here’s a prophetic word for you this morning:

Isaiah 61:7 NLT “Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.”

The enemy will always use people around you to bring shame and dishonour to you. You may see this in the life of Job (through his wife), Joseph (through his brothers) and even Jesus (through his disciples when they betrayed Him) and many more.

It doesn’t matter what you have gone through or what you have faced, the Lord says, He is going to restore double share of honor over your life.

When you hold on to this word and trust in Him, God will restore double share of honor and He says in the circumstance of your brokenness you will posses double portion of prosperity in your land, in the same land where you were looked down at.

Finally, its not just honour and prosperity, but God says that He will also bless your soul with everlasting joy.

God wants to bless you in every aspect of your life by bringing honour, prosperity and joy.

Believe and hold on to this word and walk with God believing that every plan of the enemy that was meant for your evil, God will turn it around for your blessing.

Have a day of honour, prosperity and joy!

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