Numbers 14:21 NLT
But as surely as I live, and as surely as the earth is filled with the LORD’s glory..
Series – Encounter the Glory
This week we will talk about the glory of God.
God demonstrated His glory to His people. The people of Israel saw the glory of God being manifested in several measure right from the plagues in Egypt to the time where darkness was all over Egypt expect in Goshen where the people of Israel was living but the Israelites refused to change and so God didn’t allow them to enter into the promise land.
Verse 21 says that as long as God lives, the earth displays His glory and so we will not have anything to justify our slack love that we show towards God.
We are experts in fault finding but when you respond to the glory of God and thank God for everything that is going right in your life, then you will have a new reason to worship Him every time for the rest of your life.
As you go forward let your eyes be open to see and understand the glory of God.
You can reach out to me for any prayer request. Here’s my WhatsApp number: +91 8088034774
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