Thank God for You

Feb 11, 2019 | Worship

Thank God for You

Feb 11, 2019 | Worship

1 Thessalonians 3:9 GNT
“Now we can give thanks to our God for you. We thank him for the joy we have in his presence because of you.”

God has divinely placed people around your life to bless you and equip you. You are not alone in your challenges. Your breakthrough will depend on how fast you recognize the people that are being appointed for your blessing. Recognize, honor, rejoice with and celebrate them in every season of your life. It was necessary for Joseph to continue to love his brothers and the people who hated him because everything they did against him, promoted him into his destiny.

In 1 Thessalonians 3:9, Apostle Paul gives thanks for the people and because of the people in his life.

Begin your day by bringing to mind all the people God has placed to be a blessing and a reason for a breakthrough in your life. Name them and thank God for them. Let your worship arise in the presence of God by remembering these faces.

Paul gives thanks even for the people who benefited from him and he did not benefit from. You may not be able to understand how someone can be a blessing to you, but thank God for them nevertheless. Don’t look for reasons to complain, instead look for reasons to thank God.

Secondly, think of the people who have brought great joy to your life, to the heart of God and to the church you serve in. Worship God because of that joy. Thank Him for your pastor, for the pastor’s wife who supports the church, for the people who ask you about your well-being and pray for you.

Worship has the ability to multiple the resources you have received. Do that with the relationships God has placed in your life. Worship God just because of the people He has placed in your life and watch how He will cause that to be multiplied in your life.

When you are willing to thank God and worship Him for the people He has placed around you, He will bring more and more people into your lives to become a blessing to you.

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