LifeTalk: Dr. Sam Abraham (Role of Parents & Leaders)

Here’s a conversation, with Dr. Sam Abraham (Founder of Kodaikanal Christian College) on the role of the parents and leaders, that we had in one of our ministry related trips.

Please ignore the background sound since its recorded out in the open and not in ideal recording atmosphere.

Pastor Priji: How did your relationship begin with Jesus?

Dr.Sam: I cannot separate my life from Jesus or point out a burning bush experience when I first encountered God. My parents have faithfully raised me in the Lord. However when I was about 14, I made a declaration and took baptism. I have wronged and sinned, but God has always brought me back. God has been faithful to place me in a family where I didn’t have to seek after Him to find Him. He was with me all along.

Pastor Priji: How important is the role of parents and leaders?

Dr.Sam: My parents followed God faithfully and answered His calling to go wherever He sent them. As parents we need to present God to our children. Let your children know God from the very beginning. Live a life reflecting Him, compromising nothing. What else are we here for? If you profess to live for Jesus, live according to what you say. – Commit yourself to God.

Pastor Priji: Advice to college/university students.

Dr.Sam: Do not listen to any other voice than God. Do not focus on the consequences. Let God lead you. You may not see results immediately. It’s not about us, but about God and His plans in His time. Whatever you do, do it faithfully for the Lord. Rely on Him, not on your own strength.

Pastor Priji: Insight on your personal time with God.

Dr.Sam: Prayer is not a formality. You are connected with God 24 hours a day. You are never separated from Him. Jesus spent separate time in prayer, but everything He did was with consultation from the Father because He never stopped communing with Him. Spend time with the Word of God. It is the default way in which God speaks to us. Do not ever compromise on your prayer time and the Word.

Hope you are blessed by this podcast.

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