Teach Me Wisdom

Dec 12, 2019 | Prayer

Teach Me Wisdom

Dec 12, 2019 | Prayer

Proverbs 1:2 NLT
Their purpose is to teach people wisdom and discipline, to help them understand the insights of the wise.

This podcast is a repost, was originally published on July 3, 2017

Series: Prayer for Bible Reading

One thing that often limits us from experiencing God in his fullness is our own blinded-ness, our own satisfaction, things that distract us and keep us occupied in the worldly things. The more we learn to let go of the things that are of this world, the supernatural things, things of God will begin to manifest.

The book of Proverbs speaks about the purpose to teach people wisdom and discipline, to help us understand the insights of the wise. Often we think that we read our Bibles because to gain more knowledge.

Knowledge is a part of what we receive out of reading our Bible. But ,we read our Bible to learn the word of God, to learn wisdom, to understand God’s divine insights in every area of our lives.

Let this be your prayer today: Lord teach me wisdom and discipline. Help me to understand the insights of the wise when I read the Bible, your word, the book of Proverbs, when I read the Old Testament and the New Testament. I want wisdom and understanding.

If we pray this, we would see the answers to these prayers soon enough!

We don’t have wisdom because we don’t ask for it. The Bible in the book of James chapter 1 talks about God willing to give us wisdom and the reason we don’t have it is because we don’t ask for it. If we ask God is faithful to give it to us wisdom.

There are times we ask for wisdom and don’t read the Bible. If we read the Bible without praying for wisdom that would not be productive either!

Before opening the Bible pray and ask to the Lord, Lord we don’t want this word to be mere sentences, we want this word to become understanding in our spirit, to become practical understanding in order to to apply this to our life and our circumstances.

There is no one better than the Holy Spirit, no one better than God himself who can teach us how to do things!

Pray this prayer: Lord the purpose of this book is to teach us wisdom and discipline. It is to help us understand the insights of the wise and You are the wisest of them all Lord. We pray that You will open our understanding, open our capacity to host wisdom and You will help us and teach us from your word.

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