Sacred Presence

Apr 6, 2020 | Worship

Sacred Presence

Apr 6, 2020 | Worship

2 Chronicles 8:11 MSG
Solomon brought Pharaoh’s daughter from the City of David to a house built especially for her, “Because,” he said, “my wife cannot live in the house of David king of Israel, for the areas in which the Chest of God has entered are sacred.”

This podcast is a repost, was originally published on September 6, 2017.

Solomon had to prepare a different house for his wife as the chest of God in David’s house.

– The presence of God is sacred.

– The presence of God makes a place sacred.

– Solomon decided not to keep his wife in that area as David’s house was sacred because of the presence of God.

– Pharaoh’s daughter married an Israelite. Irrespective of that, Solomon wanted to protect his marriage.

– Our impurities cannot co-exist with the presence of God.

– Instead of letting the presence of God remove the impurities we tend to protect our impurities.

– Anything hidden from the presence of God has the power to grow and become a stronghold.

– Are there areas in your life you have not allowed the presence of God?

– If you have a hideout can you expose that in the presence of God?

– As you expose the hideout, you give access to God to make those areas sacred.

– Though we are in a constant pursuit of God we still protect the impurities in our life.

If you’re ready to give access to God, He will come in and make your life sacred.

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