Respond in Faith

May 22, 2020 | Worship

Respond in Faith

May 22, 2020 | Worship

Luke 19:6 NLT
Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy.

This podcast is a repost, originally published on September 29, 2017.

Series – Zacchaeus’ Encounter

In today’s podcast we learn from the life of Zacchaeus. Not just that Zacchaeus had an encounter with Jesus, now he was willing to host Jesus.

It doesn’t matter what our past is when we have to start a life with Jesus. All we need to do is, just respond in faith that we want Him In our life. In fact, that’s exactly how we established our faith in Christ Jesus. Responding to Jesus is very important regardless of our present circumstances.

The moment Jesus told Zacchaeus that He wanted to come to his house, Zacchaeus was excited and was eager to host Jesus in his house. This is what we should be doing in our life too! Most often Christians live in denial and in guilt of there past, and failing to know that God is willing to come and be part of our life.

Receive everything that God has for you when He is giving you rather than continuing to depend on our weaknesses. We see that Zacchaeus dint not let his past stop him from having Jesus as a guest in his house.

Today, ask Jesus to be the master of your house, your life, job, ministry, etc. Receive everything God has for you by responding in faith.

Have a beautiful day.

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