Path to Life

by | Aug 26, 2020 | Obedience

Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray. – ‭Proverbs‬ ‭10:17‬ ‭ESV‬‬


Every morning we begin our pursuit of God, we begin with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
We need to ask ourselves, have we been intentional in listening to the voice of God.
Sometimes God speaks to us through people, through His word, our circumstances, dreams and visions etc.
What is important is that we heed to the message that God is speaking over our lives. God wants us to grow, be sharpened and shaped by His voice.

If we go through destruction in our lives, we need to ask God what have we been disobedient in.
We need to heed instructions, our definition of the same cannot just be listening to podcasts or sermons or counselling etc. Heeding to instruction means to follow them, write them down, keep them in our habits, stay within the boundaries of those instructions laid out for us. When we do that, we are on a pathway to life. But those who do not heed will lead themselves and others astray.
We need to stay away from those that lead people astray because they have the potential to lead people into ruin. We need to steer away from those living in blatant disobedience of God’s voice.

May we walk in the path of God’s light and lead others as well to the light. Jesus’s obedience caused everybody around Him to walk in the light. Adam’s disobedience caused everyone to walk outside the path of light.

Let us obey and lead many more people to the pathway of life.

Jesus’s obedience to the Father's instruction caused everybody around Him to walk in the light. Share on X

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