Called to Lead

Pastor Priji engages with Pastor Jade Lewis from Perth, Australia on the topic of Leadership, and what kind of leaders God wants us to be, we believe that you will leave this conversation inspired and edified! You can connect with Pastor Jade here


Introduction about Jade: 

She is a pastor at Eternity Church in Perth Western Australia. She is married for about 18 years to her Kristin, her husband. They have been blessed with 3 lovely children – Ameli (15 yrs), Sofia (14 yrs) and Noah (9 yrs).

Jade and her family love to chase and pursue the Father! They are involved in street ministry, food distribution, prison ministry and women who work in brothels.

Pastor Priji: Could you tell us your testimony and how you met Jesus?

Pastor Jade: Off course, 21 years ago I went through a program called Teen Challenge, a youth achocol and drug rehabilitation program which is a Christ centred , Holy Spirit based program. Soon after my 22nd program, I arrived at that program. I used to cry for 3 months straight and I couldn’t run back to drugs so I asked the Lord to reveal Himself to me and that was it! The Lord touched me and revealed His love for me.

Pastor Priji: That’s so amazing Jade. God’s love is real and it has changed your life! Could you tell us what is your definition of leadership?

Pastor Jade: Well I could say leadership is how well you lead yourself. It is not about a title but its about the process. It’s not about a skillset or charisma but its about your heart and how well you love people. It’s about how well you can submit, how faithful are you with what God has given you.

Leadership is how well you lead yourself. It is not about a title but its about the process - Pastor Jade Share on X

Pastor Priji: Thats so powerful! We think leadership is about us not its about how well we can lead ourselves. Do you think that you have a natural ability to lead people or has the Holy Spirit enabled you to become one?

Pastor Jade: For me, I felt that I was always one since my childhood but God has developed me through the years.

Pastor Priji: That’s great! But some of us can feel unqualified to do what God has called us to do like Moses! How have you overcome fears and battles?

Pastor Jade: We have to understand that if God has called you to do it then He will back you up! That should be our anchor! All we have to do is cooperate with the Holy Spirit and trust Him no matter what the enemy does. Workout every entry point and shut the door so he cannot enter in.

Pastor Priji: So true! Could you also tell us how important it is for a leader to have a mentor over his/her life?

Pastor Jade: If your going to lead than you need to be led. You need someone who you can talk to you, pray with you and give you criticism from a place of love. You don’t take criticism from people you don’t advice from!

Pastor Priji: This is so edifying. Could you tell us about the Yellow Ribbon project you are working on?

Pastor Jade: Sure, its an outreach and mentorship program for women in prison, women who are finding their second chance in life. We also do high school drug prevention program in schools.

Pastor Priji: That’s inspiring! Could you tell us your favourite family movement?

Pastor Jade: I would say relaxing with my family in the beach or around the camp fire or even watching movies!

Pastor Priji: Do you have a role model?

Pastor Jade: A few like Joyce Meyer and the head of teen challenge who is our mentor and spiritual father.

Pastor Priji: Could you recommend a book that you were blessed with so we could read?

Pastor Jade: Finding Papa & You are the Leader

Pastor Priji: Thank so much for your time Jade! Can you please say a word of prayer for us?

Pastor Jade: Thank you Holy Spirit for ministering us through this interview. Not by might nor by power but by the Spirit. Holy Spirit I ask you to minister to everyone listening to this podcast that they would experience your love. I pray for new open doors. I pray that your kingdom will come on India and Australia and Your will be done, in Jesus name Amen!

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