End of All Things
– 1 Peter 4:7 ESV
We have to be cautious and careful about every aspect of our lives, to have this holy reverential fear of God that will guide our steps.
What Apostle Peter is saying here is that there will come a time when everything around us will come to an end.
So let us ask ourselves, what are the things we are occupied with? What are the things we are proud of? What things are taking all our time and resources? These things may be our work, occupation, family, church etc. Bible says ALL these things will come to an end. In the end, the only things that will last are those that hold eternal value. Hence in light of this event, the Bible urges us to be self-controlled and sober-minded.
Often we don’t find even us Christians being self-controlled and sober-minded. We all have that place where we step out of the boundaries, where we go overboard and do things we’re not supposed to be doing.
We’re coming to a place of finality in the world, where we’re finally going to have to give an account for everything we’ve done with our lives here on earth. God is going to look at how we’ve used our time, our efforts, the revelations and the resources provided for us etc.
Let’s begin our day by evaluating those areas of our lives where we feel we do not have self-control or sober-mindedness. Maybe it’s one of our relationships, maybe it’s how we use our free time or how we spend money.
We need to be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of our prayers, for the things that we have petitioned before God. If we need our prayers to have value and be counted precious before God, then our prayers need to be marked with self-control and sober-mindedness.
Cane brought an offering to God and God was not pleased with the sacrifice. Hence, we need to live accordingly so that we do not lose audience with God in our prayers.
May God honour our sober-mindedness and self-control. May God accept our offerings and prayers just as He received Abel’s offering.
Prayers marked with self-control and sober-mindedness has greater value before God! Share on X
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