Explore the Land
Bible says in Numbers 13:16, Moses sent out men with instructions to explore Canaan to see whether it is good or bad, whether the people living in there are strong or weak, do their towns have walls or unprotected, is it fertile or not and told them to bring back samples of the crops. God had already told Moses and the Israelites that He is going to take them to a land flowing with milk and honey. In spite of having that revelation and understanding, Moses sent 12 spies into Canaan to find out in detail the physical realities over there. Moses did not need this information either to proceed or not to proceed into Canaan but to get a reality check so that he can formulate strategies and prepare well for the war ahead of him.
So often, when the Lord gives us an instruction, it is necessary for us to take our own precautions and plan how and when to do it, but the problem starts when we make our decisions and choices based on the physical circumstances or listening to people and not to the voice of God. It is good to listen to people and understand their perspective, but our choices, faith, and decisions cannot be based on what people tell us and they have to be based purely on what God has been speaking to us as a person, family, church and community.
Let us reach to a place in our relationship with God where all that matters is what God says and not what people say.
Let our prayers be that we would begin to value God’s voice, presence and commandments He has already given to us.
The people of the Israel got carried away by the news brought in by the 10 spies. The other two, Caleb and Joshua, went to the same places that the remaining 10 went, but they said, “This is difficult and challenging, but God is the one who is leading us into the place, so let us believe we can do it and nothing is impossible.”
Let our prayer be that we not only will go into our promise land and explore it, but we will also come back with greater faith, trust and greater dependency on what God is about to do for us in the season ahead of us.
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