Undivided Faith

by | Oct 2, 2020 | Faith

But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. – James 1:6 NLT

Communion with God is essential for our lives. It is necessary for our spiritual growth and survival. If we don’t learn to depend and communicate with God, we cannot survive this life.

James says when we pray and talk to God, our faith should be in “God alone”. Why is He saying that? Because when we pray, our human tendency is to put our faith in other things like our own wisdom, knowledge, understanding and sometimes our experience.

That’s why our prayers don’t get a response.

There’s only one thing that moves and impress God when we pray, it is our faith in Him alone.

If you are not rooted and not focused on God, you will be like a wave, wavering and floating around, getting no answers in life.

It is a must that we are grounded and deeply rooted in God alone!

So, what are you rooted in, with your relationship with God this morning?

Do you go to God because you are afraid of losing something? Do you go to God for a change in your life? or do you go to God because you have faith in Him?

A faith as small as a mustard seed which is also planted, deeply rooted and that has no limitations! A faith that will cause you not to waver and doubt. A faith that can move mountains! A faith that is consistent at all times.

Do you have a faith like that? If not, let’s start walking by faith from today because you and me cannot live without God and if we want to build a relationship with Him, it is only possible by faith.

Jesus walked by faith. He had a solid rock foundation with God, a strong relationship with God and He was never shaken, even when the devil tried to tempt Him.

This season, if you have to stay strong, you need to surrender and allow the Holy spirit to build up your faith.

You are much loved!

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