We’ll Be Perfect

by | Oct 14, 2020 | Tongue

Indeed, we all make many mistakes. For if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way.

James 3:2 NLT


Welcome to this brand new day that the Lord has given us.

The Lord hands over to us an important key and He says that if we learn how to use this key then we will be prefect and we will be able to control ourselves.

The key is to learn how to control our tongues. To take control of our words, confessions, statements and of the inferences we make.

As long as it is in our minds, it is just a thought, an assumption but the moment you speak it out it is no longer a thought but it is a judgement you have released in the atmosphere.

It is so necessary to learn how to control our language. If you want to be prefect and get rid of sin, sickness, bad expenses and all kinds of issues, be intentional of what you talk.

It may sound simple but hard to do.

The words we speak is a product of what we are meditating in our hearts. The best ways to know what we meditate is to evaluate our dreams, our thoughts, even our day dreams!

If you want your mouth to speak good language then it is necessary to check on what our hearts are meditating on.

Let your meditation be on the Word of God. Pick up one chapter or scripture and meditate on it.
This will purify your words and your language.

Once your words are purified, automatically your actions, your relationships, your finances everything will turn out to be fruitful.

I hope you will use this key and be intentional to work on your language today and not wait another day.


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