God’s Passion

by | Oct 21, 2020 | Faith

Do you think the Scriptures have no meaning? They say that God is passionate that the spirit he has placed within us should be faithful to him.

James 4:5 NLT


Everything in scripture has a meaning and a purpose. Bible says all scripture is meant to edify, strengthen, and prepare us for the good work. The scripture tells us that God is passionate to make sure that the spirit that He has placed within us should be faithful to Him.

Two kinds of spirit are mentioned in the bible. One is the human spirit and the other one is the Divine Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is always faithful to God the Father because He himself is God too. James 4:5 is talking about the human spirit which God is passionate to place within us. Before we are saved, this human spirit is passive or death, but when we come to Jesus, we are made a new creation and the spirit comes alive and it is able to interact and engage with God. The human spirit which has been renewed should be faithful to Him.

So often when our human spirit is not faithful to God, the problem is not God’s but ours because we have exposed our human spirit to so much of worldliness which causes the spirit to be filled with all the sins of this world. When the world enters into our spirit, it has the capacity to kill our spirit (spiritual death). It is talking about believers who have been recreated in Christ Jesus but yet they did not keep their spirits faithful to God. They did not allow the passionate love, grace and favor of God to work in their spirits in submission to God but allowed the spirit to get diluted with the things of the world, and eventually, it has driven them to the point of spiritual death, and now, they are alienated once again from God.Let none of us be in that place.

Let us understand that God is passionate about our spirit and what happens on the inside of us, and God wants our spirits to be faithful to Him at all times in every season of our lives. Let us ask Lord to give us the grace to keep our spirit faithful and loyal to Him and not to the world around us.

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