The Devil Will Flee

by | Oct 22, 2020 | Obedience

So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

James 4:7 NLT


There is no man in the history of humanity who has humbled himself before God and has come back without any results.

What does it mean to humble ourselves before God and what are the results of it?

Humbling requires you to lay down yourself and your comfort and cut off yourself from everything that is making you worldly and give your heart and mind completely to the will and plan of God.

So often we find it easier to submit physically to a discipline than to submit to the will of God.

When you decide to humble before God you cannot limit it by few days or time, but you have to do it in its entirety without holding anything.

We as christians are good at resisting the devil, but still we find that the enemy will not flee from us and we don’t see any victory and find ourselves in a cycle with no progress.

The bible says when we humble ourselves (by laying your life down 100%) and resist the devil, then he will flee. This will not happen overnight but it is going to be a lifetime process.

The one reason the devil will not flee from us is because we are still holding on to the things that we haven’t submitted to God, whether is your finance, family, children, job etc.

The moment you humble yourselves and give up control and let God take over, there will be no more room left for the enemy to stay and attack and pursue you, and hence he has to flee from you.

Today give your headaches to God and resist the devil and he will flee.

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