
We understand that James 5:7-8 is talking about the second coming of our Lord which is going to ultimately happen when the Lord returns on the clouds to receive His bride to be with Him forever and ever. As much as this is speaking about the end-time event, let us also apply this to revival, restoration, and breakthrough, which the Lord wants to release in our personal lives.

Sometimes, we do not have the patience for God to release something new in our lives and that is where Apostle James says we need to learn from the farmers. The farmers do not get their crops immediately, and they have to wait patiently for the rain. They wait constantly and patiently without giving up. The season of waiting can be a very testing phase. 

The Bible says Jesus was teaching to about 500 people after His resurrection and He kept telling them that they need to wait until the power comes, but on the day of Pentecost, only 120 people were there. The people who saw and heard the resurrected Jesus did not have patience and courage to wait, and because of which, they missed the opportunity to have the infilling power and presence of God on the day of Pentecost in their personal lives.

Can we trust the Lord like a farmer waiting patiently for a rain?

If we wait patiently like a farmer, then one day every seed that we have sown, every prayer that we have prayed, every dream that we have received from the Lord, and every prophesy, promises and declarations that have been released over our future will surely come to pass.

We need to do this even for non-personal things concerning our families, church and nation.

May the Lord give us the heart of a farmer and fill us with divine patience and courage.

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