At My Birth

by | Nov 3, 2020 | Worship

I was thrust into your arms at my birth. You have been my God from the moment I was born. – Psalms 22:10


This Podcast is a repost, originally posted on Nov 21, 2017

Series: Experience God’s Nearness

The Lord doesn’t waste the times we are sleeping, times we are not conscious about Him.

Even times we aren’t conscious, He watches over us. When we become aware about His presence, we begin to manifest and receive from Him.

Today we will be studying Psalm 22:10. This is an amazing verse. It says, we were thrust into His arms at birth.

Pastor Priji explains about Zahal’s birth.

As soon as the baby was born the doctor placed the baby on the mother’s stomach for the baby to receive the warmth from the mother.

The same manner the verse explains we were thrust into His hands as soon as we were born in the hands of the doctor, the imaginary hands of the Father held the doctors hands or the hands that nurtured or parented us, irrespective of our physical or emotional challenges.

God was with us when we were least aware of His presence.

Even in moments we cannot recollect His presence just as a child doesn’t remember the time of birth God is still with us.

The Bible says in Romans 5:8, But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

Let us thank God and be grateful that He is aware of us even when we aren’t!

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