A Higher Standard

by | Dec 9, 2020 | Obedience

When David had said this to Saul, Saul said, Is this your voice, my son David? And Saul lifted up his voice and wept. – 1 Samuel 24:16 AMP


There was a time in the bible when Saul was hunting after David to kill him, but every time God would make an escape for David. 

One of the reason that Saul wanted to kill David was, because he was anointed, won many victories which made David evident to be the next king, which Saul couldn’t take it in.

But there was one time when Saul came in to a cave to rest, and David had the opportunity to kill him in the middle of the night but he refused to touch Saul because he honoured the fact that God had anointed him as the king.

But when Saul got to know this, he cried.

When David exercised Godly principles, it made Saul to repent.

When you don’t overstep the boundaries that is outside of what God has ordained for you, even your enemies will try to humble themselves.

May our lives not just be ordinary but extraordinary to be seen by others.

It’s normal to hurt when you are hurt, but what David did was an example before Jesus taught us. Now we have the greater example of Jesus, the forgiveness that He has given us that enables us to forgive others, the instructions from Apostle Paul to live a merciful life, now we do not have an excuse to live an ordinary life.

We are not to repay evil for evil, but good and to pray and bless those who persecute us and if we live by these godly principles, God will end up crowing and anointing us.

Become intentional of doing what God has asked you to do and you will see the reward coming.

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