Time of Visitation
Greetings in Jesus precious name!
In the book of Luke, we see Jesus warning the people of Israel about “the hour of visitation”, warning them about an event to occur where the city would be in destruction and turmoil and all who live in it will be completely destroyed where no stone will be unturned just because they were unaware of the time of visitation and because they were ignorant and not willing enough to seek and understand the time of the Lord’s visitation.
Let us take this as a warning to be very mindful of the seasons and times we are a part of. We need to be aware when the Lord is doing something special, something great and mighty, the things no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has known. But to know this, we ought to be so intentional about our relationship with our heavenly Father, to seek Him diligently with a yearning to be intimate and close to Him to understand His heart and the plans He has for us and our lives.
Despite detailed instructions and detailed prophesies, the people of Israel did not know their time of visitation. God established His relationship with His people, giving them every information to be prepared for when the time was to come and yet they failed. They were too busy and content with the pace of their lives and everything in it that they were not seeking for more and they missed out because they did not look forward.
However in the new testament, it is said that if anyone sought for it, they would receive a revelation from the Lord. Just like Simon who sought out to see the baby in the manger had a revelation that He was to be the Messiah. Everyone who was willing to wait, pray and receive got their time of visitation, they got their revelation.
Revelation is received when you wait pray & seek! Share on XCan we ask ourselves today, are we going to be self seeking people who are ignorant of our times and seasons or are we going to be those people who will be intentional and pursue to understand the times of our visitation?
For the Word of God says, if we are unaware of the time of our visitation and do not know when the Lord is moving among us lacking knowledge of His works then we will not be able to save ourselves from the destruction that the enemy has planned. When we are unaware or ignorant, the enemy has the power to attack us for we are not in the covering of the understanding of who we are and what our lives ought to be like in Christ.
Let us be encouraged to pray for a revelation of our time of visitation this morning, praying for a complete revelation of the way our heavenly Father will move and manifest in our lives. Let us pray this morning to never be ignorant and to never be caught by surprise. Let us pray to be able to give all we’ve got to be ready for when our hour of visitation arrives, to receive in portions the Lord has in store for us, to grow to the next level.
May the Lord help us to be ready!
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