Bouncing Back from a Failure
In today’s LeadershipTalk, Pastor Priji speaks on the topic of failure, knowing what failure exactly is, understanding the root cause of the failure and explains few practical tips on how to get back up from where we fell. We believe that this will immensely bless you.
People are not very easy to handle all the time. We all definitely need to keep growing in our ability to understand relationships and how to respond and receive. Our experiences will certainly teach us lessons as to how, where and when to draw boundaries and when to give people access into our lives for a greater purpose. There are going to be ups and downs in our leadership seasons. The bible talks about how David was once in this place, and he encouraged himself in the Lord. We all will go through different approaches, situations, and circumstances and may experience our own version of failure.
Failure is not having great results, lack of influence, and lack of people celebrating, appreciating or working with us. Failure is something that has been a catastrophe from our end. There has been a lack from what we are expected to do and we could not do. It is something that could be in the area of our character, integrity, or moral responsibilities.
Being able to define our failures is the key. If we have not been able to define our failure, then we will not be able to receive help, but if we know that we have made a mistake and if we understand the failure, it becomes so much easy to find the root cause, rectify and receive the grace and mercy of God in those areas of our lives. Failure does not start overnight and it happens because of small compromises where we allow the enemy into. Acknowledging and repenting for that can be the start.
We would have to let the word of God be our guide and expose ourselves to the light on a constant basis. It is not going to be an immediate overnight victory. It is a process. A new thought process has to be established and a new belief system has to be initiated to renew our minds.
Peter did deny Jesus 3 times and that was a betrayal of the highest order because Jesus said ‘if anyone denies Me before people, I am going to deny them before angels in heaven’ and that is how serious Peter’s denial was and yet Jesus did not even want to mention it once after the resurrection. Jesus only asked Peter “do you love Me?” and that is all that matters.
Do not ever let our failures to the extent where we feel that we are incapable of progress or complete restoration. A leader is not somebody who just hides his failures and let the failure continue to grow in the secret. A leader is somebody who is willing to expose it to the light. We can definitely find a solution to that in our personal walk with God, but if it has gone beyond us, then it is necessary that we seek out help and bring a third person.
It is necessary that every leader will have a voice over his life. Even, Jesus needed instructions. Bible says, God chose to send Moses and Elijah to encourage and motivate Him. Godly counsel and mentorship will help us to go through the healing process. Sometimes when we see that the process is taking time, it may be very natural for us to hurry up the process. If we would try to hurry the process, we are going to end up being healed in the wrong way.
We should never stop receiving courage from God. We cannot bounce back up on our strength. We have to trust in the courage and the strength of God. Peter did not get back into ministry just because everything was normal but waited for Jesus to come and restore him and put measures to guard his heart against a next failure. Lack of awareness of the need to love the Lord had caused him to deny the Lord, but Jesus helped him with that so that the next failure will never ever happen again in his life.
It is not just we expose ourselves to the light, do not hurry the process, receive the strength and courage from God, but it is also necessary that we guard our heart, finances, and relationships against the next failure so that it does not repeat ever again in our lives.
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