Attitude of Prayer

by | Feb 2, 2021 | Prayer

Then Moses said to Aaron, “Announce this to the entire community of Israel: ‘Present yourselves before the LORD, for he has heard your complaining.’”- Exodus 16:9 (NLT)


We have already finished one month of this new year we’ve entered into. This next month we have in front of us, we’re going to continue to see how good, loving and kind our God is. The one thing God doesn’t entertain is people refusing to trust in Him and those who constantly murmur and complain.

In the above verse, it shows Moses is upset with the people of Israel because they were constantly complaining and bickering in their dealings with God. That was something God took offence to. God understands our weaknesses, our temptations and anxieties about the things we need tomorrow, still, God doesn’t sympathize with our need to complain and murmur against what He is doing though.

Moses says that now the Israelites need to present themselves before God. That now they are answerable not to him but God.

Is it wrong for us to pray for more food? More money? Certain breakthroughs in our lives? Absolutely not! But when that prayer is born out of greed or comparison or hidden motives or an expression of our lack of faith in God, then that prayer can look like a complaint in God’s eyes.

Your attitude matters in how you present your prayer to God, it can either bring breakthrough or bring judgement upon yourself.

Because of the attitude behind the prayers of the Israelites, they invited the judgement of God amongst them.

We need to trust in God for today and trust Him for what He does in our life for this season. When God calls us to account for our lives, may it be to bless us for our prayers and not to judge us for our attitudes in our prayers? May we be found faithful with the way we respond to God.

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