Eric Gilmour

The Biblical Leadership

In today’s Leadership talk, Pastor Priji enlightens us on the difference between our perspective of leadership and the biblical perspective. Tune in to understand leadership the biblical way and grow in it.


Welcome to Leadership Talk!

With this podcast, we desire to help you to build a character to lead and help people. Jesus is the greatest leader of all times, our pursuit must be more like Him to possess certain characteristics from Him with every simple sphere of leaderships.

We all have different perspectives to define leadership which could be a position or an influence. Many of the times, our mistakes occur because we have the wrong definition of what it could mean. We could have the wrong perspective of different roles we have to perform. At times, we would think of someone who has physical and financial influence as leaders that we aim to imitate. We would look at someone who has the experience and set ourselves to follow them.

If a person has achieved expertise in a particular aspect, they can give you advice and help you grow. And yet, we could not have our perspective restricted of leadership only to influence or having experience in a particular field. When we do that, we forget the leadership has been taught by the Bible. As it said in the Bible, we must become like children as they have no expertise.

In the scriptures, there were many different kinds of leaders and each one held a different influence on people. But, one thing that was common among them was their relationship with God. God enabled them to carry out their responsibilities to lead their families, empires and congregations which in the end brought a wholesome result.

The key to the success of a leader is not their principles or strategies they brought out, but their dependency on God. Share on X

When Abraham had left home he had nothing, not even a child, but God blessed him eventually to win wars. He had a huge empire where he many servants but he grew from a place of nothing to here is because of his dependency on God. For everything, he exercised his faith which empowered him. He showed a high level of integrity with God.

We cannot compartmentalize our walk with God only for certain aspects but let it in all the fields to be vulnerable and true to Him.

Abraham, Issac and Jacob walked with God as leaders which brought favour upon them where they were blessed supernaturally. With their willingness to God, they were able to handle and prioritize their relationships and provisions. It was merely because of their relationship with God.

With the many complaints we have, let us understand that these three leaders had nothing, but they trusted God and worked themselves to be who they are. Let us have the same hunger and pursuit of walking with God. It helps us to be more successful in our lives.

Another powerful man of God, Moses had a tremendous influence but he also had a physical drawback. He was not able to talk properly which always dropped his confidence and did not want to be used by God. God used him to lead millions of people out of Egypt into the Promised Land. In his last stages, he chose to lead his people. He was only trained based on war and language which was not helpful for him in the end. He played different roles as a leader. The only qualification he carried was his reliance on God and his nearness to the presence of God.

The only qualification that you require to be a leader is the reliance on God and nearness to His presence. Share on X

We can create history based on our dependency on God. Each one of us is chosen to be differently empowered.

Another leader in the Bible was Samuel, his mother sent him to serve God when he was a child. For the love, he carried for the presence and voice of God he became a powerful leader and played multiple roles. He anointed two kings of Israel. There was so much sacrifice when we left to serve in the presence of God as a child. He was a priest who was after the heart of God.

Let our leadership not be based on the influence, financial and outward experience.

The leader King David, did not enjoy obeying God but because of his reliance and his heart that he carried for God. The heart he had for worship transformed people. He brought down the giants with the power he carried from God.

In the New Testament, we see the disciples of Jesus. Most of them were martyred for spreading the gospel. They saw the character of Jesus manifested on the disciples.

The measure we pursue the presence of Jesus is the measure we will be able to lead people. Share on X

God is looking for leaders to be dependent on God and able to pursue Him. Let our leadership come from a place of brokenness with dependency on God.

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