The Desire for God’s Will

by | May 12, 2021 | Discernment

Anyone who wants to do the will of God will know whether my teaching is from God or is merely my own. – John 7:17 NLT


Greetings in Jesus name!

The Lord is close to us and desires for us to encounter His grace in every area of our life. At times, we know what to do but we don’t have the ability or drive to do the right thing. The Lord is giving us the grace to pursue things that are going to bring us in alignment with His will. Let us be consistent in pursuing the will of God.

In the scriptures, Jesus says there are people who want to pursue the will of God. To understand that we are these people, we need to pray and go after Him. It is based on our decisions and choices. The Lord asks you to realign according to His plans. The blessings of living like this are that they will know to understand if it’s His will or your own. Discernment of which teaching isn’t from God and which isn’t. In every aspect, God will provide discernment.

When we pursue the will of God, it manifests in every aspect of life. Share on X

A desire leads to a revelation which leads to empowering grace. Let our desire never be lacked to pursue our God. Let us understand to do God’s will.

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