The Cheerful Way of Marriage

marriage talk
Welcome to Marriage Talk. In today’s marriage talk, Pastor Priji applies this verse in the context of marriage and shares some practical tips to bring happiness and joy in marriage. Proverbs 17: 22 says, “A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.” Believing this will bless you.

In Proverbs:17:22, A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.
The writer of the proverb tends to lay emphasis on joy in every challenge in life. A cheerful heart is medicine. We all go through highs and lows in our journey of marriage, but if we can pursue joy, we will grow in our marriage. Every friction can be resolved by being cheerful and bring cheer to your spouse.

It is not easy to achieve because the enemy does not want you to be happy. It is an everyday process. Job was attacked at his happiest moments, amidst the celebrations the enemy attacked the family. When we are happy and celebrating, the enemy gets instigated. We tend to believe happy all the time, that we have to cry the same. It is a lie that we have been taught. The enemy is the thief of joy.

In this season, as this instigates the enemy, you must intentionally pursue it. As the enemy gets irritated, we bring worship to God, as we are doing the right thing! All the wounds and hurts in your marriage are healed by laughter, which is good medicine as you pursue joy.

The Bible tell us to Rejoice! When you are rejoicing in the Lord, it is not only the soul realm but the Spirit realm. Rejoicing is a fruit of the Spirit and received from the Holy Spirit. Cheerfulness heals the wounds in your family. It is necessary to find ways to bring cheer to your family. Look out for opportunities to bring laughter.

Prioritise pursuing joy! It functions as a good medicine but when it is regularly carried out, it becomes a meal. It helps overcome your darkest times and challenges. What you’re going through in your head, needs a break and your heart needs to be cheerful and joyful. Our family member fights any challenge, pray to God to give birth to cheer, preserve the joy.

Have heart-based happiness rather than head-based happiness!

Let us work on broken heart conditions. If there is physical pain, we take care. But about our spirit is broken, we tend not to care. It is necessary for you to raise up and take steps and find a way to overcome it.

Take insight through counselling which helps you to see yourself better and heal slowly.

Be careful to guard your conversations.

When you speak the truth with the Lord, it is with love.

Let us be intentional at pursuing joy in your family. Let us take intentional steps to heal our brokenness.

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