Judge Between Servants
Good morning! What a joy, privilege and honour to come into the presence of the Lord in every season which looks favourable to us Or doesn’t. It is always a place we can come to as a refuge, safety and protection. The presence of the Lord is a place we come for solutions, answers, and judgement for things that have been beseeching God for.
In the Old Testament, King Solomon prayed for the dedication of the temple of God. The Bible says about several categories he prayed. He prayed about the whole nation is in a calamity, he prayed about when there was no rain, he prayed about sin. One of the main things he addressed was interpersonal relationships. When there is a misunderstanding, he prays in 2 Chronicles 6:23 as mention above.
Solomon says to the Lord that a temple is a place he built for people to come when they face a problem but also when they need judgements in their relationships. We all have relationship problems, but Solomon says even for that trouble the people of God must learn to come into His presence. There is a court, but the ultimate vindication is when they receive from God. You can seek out human help, but the ultimate judgement is from God.
As the Bible says, both of us are His servants. When God hears, he will make a judgement and declare a person guilty and another innocent. At sometimes, both might be guilty or both might be innocent as a third person tries to bring discord in between. But, the clarity comes only when you come into the presence of the Lord. As long we gossip about it, it will disrupt the relationship. When we come into the presence of God, we understand that this will be the guilty person.
The clarity of judgement is received only when we come into the presence of God. Share on XThe presence of God has so much effect, it’s like placing light in a dark room exposing everything. Let us bring our relationship problems to bring into the presence of the Lord. If He makes a judgement, nothing else matters.
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