The Lake of Fire

by | Aug 10, 2021 | Evangelism

“And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.” – Revelation 20:15
This podcast is a repost originally posted on March 2, 2021 Transcript: Every morning is a gift from God. It’s another chance for us to make the right choices. This week, we have been studying on the reality of hell. Today we read from Revelation 20:15 “And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire”. Here the bible refers to hell as “lake of fire”. There is a Book of Life up there is heaven. If you are listening to this podcast, then you still have the option of having your name written in God’s Book of Life. The bible says only whose names are written in the Book of Life can escape this lake of fire. How can your name be written in the book of life and what you should do? When we are born in sin and we have lived a life of sin, we have done everything possible to deserve the lake of fire. God is a righteous God and judge, He is completely justified in sending us to the lake of fire, because we are sinners doing and saying everything against God. If you have to be saved from this hell, it has to be by grace and through faith. Grace is a gift that is extended towards you which is Jesus Himself. When Jesus came for us 2000 years back, He lived on this earth and died for our sins on the cross, He gave Himself and died for us on behalf of us. Everything that Jesus did is for you and I. But we are not saved only because Jesus died, as Jesus died for everybody but not everybody is saved. We are saved by grace through faith. What we need to do is we need to put our faith in Him and believe that He died for our sins. The moment you put your faith in Jesus, your name will be written in the Book of Life. Your soul is valuable. The bible says what profit it is when we have the entire world and lose our souls. Everything in your life can wait, all that you need to do is just ask and pray this – “Lord Jesus, come into my heart, make me a new person. I don’t want to be the sinner I am, I want to be the saint that you died to make me. Help me, come into my heart, fill me with Your Holy Spirit, wash me with Your blood that wash shed for me on the cross and I know when you wash me with Your blood I will be clean, holy, and new right away.” The moment you do this you become a new person and your name will be written in the Book of Life. God’s plans for you will never fail. Even in the low days of your life, God will be there for you, upholding you and encouraging you.

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