Joy in God’s Will

by | Aug 25, 2021 | Obedience

I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart. – Psalms 40:8

Greetings! Welcome to this beautiful day!

Let the word of God manifest into our lives. We are receiving the word into our physical realms and it becomes our habit and practice

The Psalmist prays in Psalms 40:8, I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart.

He takes pleasure and joy in doing Gods will. We want to honour Him in our lives and yet whilst obeying Him, we are reluctant and carry it as a burden. We must joy and pleasure in pursuing His will. Let’s not be obedient for the sake of it but intentionally find joy in it.

Do not carry the burden when you obey God but take joy. Share on X

In our daily life, several activities give us joy. Can the same joy that those activities give us be in our hearts for obeying Him? The heart of God, His instructions should be written in our hearts. God says He will write His laws on our hearts which will be more on the inside than on the outside. The heart or the emotions is the seat of our desire if your soul is transformed to be marked by God’s word. In your spirit, you are a new person who carries an imprint of God’s work which makes it easy to do God’s will.

Let us find joy! Let us let Him write His instructions in our hearts! Let us understand His ways!

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