This I Have Decreed

by | Oct 19, 2021 | Protection

“‘But listen to this promise from the LORD, O Zedekiah, king of Judah. This is what the LORD says: You will not be killed in war – Jeremiah 34:4

Good Morning! Greetings in Jesus name. Welcome to this brand new day.

The Lord is promising His grace, His mercy, and His kindness over the day ahead; wherever you are, whatever you are struggling with, whatever is your challenge, whatever is the mountain standing in your way, the Lord says, ‘My mercy can make a way for you in the craziest seasons of life. My mercy can break down doors, my mercy can break down strongholds, my mercy can change your situation around immediately, overnight.’

Today, the Lord is speaking especially to those that are feeling surrounded by the enemies; surrounded by the things that the enemy is doing in your life. The Lord says, ‘Do not be worried my friend, do not be in this place of losing hope.’

Let me give an example of King Zedekiah in the old testament, Jeremiah 34:4 & 5; “Listen to this promise from the Lord, O Zedekiah king of Judah! This is what the Lord says; ‘You will not be killed in the war, but die peacefully. People will burn incense in your memory, just as they did for your ancestors, the kings who preceded you. They will mourn for you crying, “Alas, our master is dead.” This I have decreed, says the Lord!”

Here is a king who is partly responsible for the situation the nation of Judah is in, he is responsible for the enemy coming in to attack and destroy the nation. There is absolutely nothing good happening in this nation; in fact, the Babylonians under the leadership of Nebuchadnezzar, they have surrounded Judah and all the fortified cities of Judah.

It’s already surrounded and at this point, the Lord is sending a message of hope, a message of mercy, a message of grace to a king who is partly responsible for the Lord to withdraw His presence from this nation. And the Lord says, ‘Don’t worry Zedekiah, I know what your nightmares are, I know what you are fearing, what you are worried about. I am promising this to you, that you will not die in the battle. You will not be killed in the war, in fact, you will have an honourable death, you will have a peaceful passing away. And as a result of it, you will be remembered; people will mourn your death, people will miss you, this is my mercy.’

I know what you are thinking; that there is absolutely no way out of this, absolutely no way you will not be killed, there is absolutely no way you will have any answers in this season when the enemy is at your doorstep, but the Lord says, ‘Because I have chosen to put my eyes on you, because I have chosen to show mercy on you, in spite of the struggle you were about to go through, in spite of the imprisonment or the captivity, the challenge that you are about to go through, you will still be preserved, you are not going to die in the battle.’

So let me say this to someone out there; someone who is afraid or dreams of being tortured to death on the battlefield, your children losing their lives, your business going bankrupt, whatever is your worst nightmare. Today, let me speak a word of hope and mercy from the heart of God into your heart.

Now, you may be like Zedekiah; you may be partially responsible for the bad choices, the bad decisions that brought your company to where it is today, and yet the Lord is saying, ‘I will make your work, your ministry, your life, your handiwork into a memorable thing so that people will miss it. You will not die in a battle, you will not die in a recession. Your business will not get aborted because you don’t have enough clients or enough funds, your dreams will not die because of lack of resources. I am going to provide for you, my promises are going to bring out a solution that is going to surprise you.’

The last line just captured my heart, the Lord says, “This I have decreed, says the Lord! This change of plans, this change of environment, this change of the order of things is going to happen in your life. This I have decreed.” Now, if God has decreed something over your life, it doesn’t matter how ferocious your enemies are, how much of a failure you yourself are, it doesn’t matter if your support system has withdrawn, your families have given up on you, your church doesn’t believe in your vision anymore.

All that matters is that God has made a royal decree over your life. He has made a decree over your life, your marriage, your relationships, your ministry. Even your own failures, even your own weaknesses cannot stand in the way of Gods mercy. God’s mercy is groundbreaking mercy; this is mercy that can break down Jericho walls, strongholds in your mind and in your heart. In fact, the bible says that the goodness of God, the kindness of God, the mercy of God, and the steadfast love of God; leads us to repentance. It leads us to turn our hearts and minds back to Him.

This morning, I pray that you will open up your heart to the Lord and receive every promise He is giving you today. You will not die in battle, you will be memorable, your work will not end with you, it will be a legacy for generations to come.

Prayer: Father, we thank you for the promises that you have made. We receive this and in faith we thank you. We want to walk in it and we want to understand how to manifest your plans and promises on the earth today, in Jesus name we pray. Amen!

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