Fearful Encounter

by | Mar 9, 2022 | Testing

“Don’t be afraid,” Moses answered them, “for God has come in this way to test you, and so that your fear of him will keep you from sinning!” – Exodus 20:20


The Lord is constantly revealing himself to us and everyone responds differently to their encounters with God. The men of God in Bible also behaved similarly, one of them would build an altar, another one would fall face down and worship, yet another, would remain frozen because of fear. In Exodus 20, we see how God encountered the entire nation of Israel and gave them the 10 commandments, to live by a higher lifestyle. Israelites responded to this encounter in fear and tremble, to an extent they said they no longer wanted God to reveal to them again, instead, they wanted Moses to be the middleman between them and God.

In Exodus 20, verse 20, Moses tells the people, “Do not be afraid.” In fact, this is the same words of God when the men of God experienced fear, during their encounters with God. Fear can naturally be our response to the unknown and uncertain things, but when God manifest in glory, the fire that appears is to first and foremost, test the purity of our relationship with God. Meaning, it is to test the real priorities, agenda and the motives of human hearts.

Moses continues to tell the Israelites that God came in this fashion, so that they would not sin or take God’s presence for granted. The fear of God experienced from the thickness of His glory, would stop people from doing anything that would be counted as a sin, because of their awe inspired reverence for God. Whenever the Lord reveals Himself to us, to test us or stop us from sinning, let’s respond to it by saying we want more of this God! If it requires for us to be purified or sanctified, Lord, we are willing and ready to surrender to you. You can either lose your encounters or multiply them, depending on your response to them.

We need to learn to maintain the right boundary between the all loving and merciful God and, the perfect judge. Whenever we mess up this boundary, we end up losing the encounters. We cannot let the tests or dark areas of our life from further experiencing God. Let’s draw near to Him today and ask for fresh revelations and encounters He’s in store for us and respond to it with reverence and love.

We cannot allow fear or sin to stop us from experiencing and encountering God. Share on X

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