Refining Fire

by | Feb 23, 2022 | Testing

“But he knows where I am going. And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold.” – Job 23:10


Welcome to a new day! Praying that each and every one of us will experience the Lord and have His presence shift us into a new realm and a new dimension. Whenever we yield ourselves to God He cleanses and purifies us. However, this process is not going to be easy and it may be painful and cost us a lot of relationships and some habits also there may be a lot of impurities that may surface when we submit to this cleansing and purifying work of God.

In today’s scripture, we see Job submitting himself before God so that God can test and purify him. Whenever Gold is submitted to fire, it may not be pleasant to look at and like the process of making a ring, when the raw gold is put into the fire, the shape may be without form initially. Whenever gold is submitted to fire it may not be pleasing to the eyes, It may still be unfinished and unready to be worn but will be pure. This season the Lord is refining and purifying us and certain areas of our lives may become raw, extremely sensitive and even unfit for public consumption and yet if we will yield to God He will refine us.

We have the presence of the Holy Spirit working in us on a daily basis, helping us subject ourselves to the grace of God over our lives. We do not have to do it on our own. We can allow the Holy Spirit to take over us, we read about how the Holy Spirit filled Jesus when He was baptized and after some days he was tempted and tried. The Holy Spirit led Him to the Wilderness, not the enemy. This was a process of testing where the Gold that Jesus was to be was tested and brought for all the world to see. The Holy Spirit knows how to strengthen us. Even Jesus had to be tested and go through the process of refinement, how much more do we have to be tested so we can come out pure as gold. When Job shared his testimony to his friends, he was sad about his situation but was okay letting the Lord test him because He knows his weaknesses and strengths and when Job was praying this, he was also desiring to understand what went wrong and not in arrogance. He tries to see what he missed out and where he made a mistake and that is why he said He (The Lord) will test me and I will come out as pure as gold.

Whenever we yield ourselves to God He cleanses and purifies us. Share on X

Father, we pray that you will convict our hearts of this need to submit to this refining fire. You are the refining fire in our lives and we yield ourselves to you to come out as refined, In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

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