No Poor Among You

by | Jun 10, 2022 | Church

“But there will be no poor among you (for the Lord will bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance to possess)” – Deuteronomy 15:4 (RSV)


Greetings in Jesus name. Welcome to this beautiful new morning, wherever you are, may the Lord continue to bless you. May the Lord continue to use you to become a blessing to the people around you. It is very important for us to identify the community or the church where God has placed us, because that is the community or those are the people that we have to now become a blessing to. We cannot become all about ourselves. Each and every child of God needs to be in a physical local church. Our work with God cannot be all about how I can be blessed. We have to go beyond to a place where we want to be a blessing to others. Such a service to the people around us has to begin in a local church, in a physical fellowship.

Deuteronomy 15:4 – “But there will be no poor among you for the Lord will bless you in the land, which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance to possess.” 

If you do not have a physical church to attend and be part of you need to ask the Lord to give you grace, to plant a church. If you’d like help with regards to that, you should check out our church talk podcast, because there are so many conversations and resources available there. In the new Testament, there was no one in that church that had any needs that were unmet. In other words, the blessing and the instruction that the Lord had given in the old Testament to Israel, it was manifested. It was demonstrated in their love for one another, demonstrated through their giving to the church. And they were willing to bring that love into the corporate body of Christ into the local church.

When we read a statement which says that there will be no poor among you, what we need to do is to take up the responsibility, take up ownership over the people that are part of our local churches. We need to say, this is an instruction to me, what the Lord is giving us as a blessing. There is an inheritance that we need to take by force, and it is not enough that we take it, receive it, or occupy it, but it is also necessary that the Lord bless us in that land. When we position ourselves to become a blessing to our churches, we are positioning ourselves for the Lord to bless us in all areas of our lives.

We declare that there will be no poor as a member in these churches, every person that is connected to these churches. There will be someone else who will come and join forces with them and cover them and help them and bless them. We will go to church now also to give, and we declare this over every church that is tuned in today.

We honor you daddy, we thank you for this word. We also thank you for the blessing that you’re giving each and every one of your children that are strategically positioning themselves to become a blessing to others. We give you all praise in Jesus name. We pray. Amen.

When we position ourselves to become a blessing to our churches, we are positioning ourselves for the Lord to bless is in all areas of our lives. Share on X


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