Prophet Among Them
“And whether they hear or refuse to hear (for they are a rebellious house) they will know that a prophet has been among them.” – Ezekiel 2:5 (ESV)
Good morning and greetings in Jesus’ name! Welcome to this beautiful morning.
I believe that the Lord is raising a prophetic generation in these last days, a generation that knows how to hear from the Lord, and how to represent His voice and carry His voice in the world that He has placed us in. Jesus said, ‘Just as the Father has sent me into the world, now I am sending you into that same world.’ So we have this obligation and responsibility now i.e. to carry the voice of Jesus to the ends of the earth, to hear what Jesus is speaking today and to speak it out, to let others know this is the heart of God, this is the will of God concerning their lives.
Now, at certain times people are not going to value or accept what you give them, but your job still remains to teach them and tell them what the will of God concerning their life is.
Ezekiel 2: 5 ‘Whether they hear or refuse to hear (for they are a rebellious house), they shall know that there has been a prophet among them.’ God is telling Prophet Ezekiel, ‘I am giving you a task, when you stand in my presence, I am going to fill you with my words, my thoughts, what my heart desires for the nation and now your job is to go out and speak out the word.’
Now some people are going to accept the word, some will rejoice, some will celebrate and honor you and the word, and embrace every aspect of that word and praise God for the salvation, for the repentance and praise be to God for those people who are immediately get convicted when they hear the heart of God concerning their lives.
But there are going to be those that will not accept or devalue the word, they are not going to get immediately convicted. Sometimes it could be like a seed that you are sowing in their hearts which may bear fruit much later, someone else may need to water that seed, and someone else may need to add nourishment, and years down the line, the person may actually get saved and may turn their heart and mind back to God. Others may openly, stubbornly, outrightly reject the message that you give them.
The Lord says it is okay, your responsibility is not to make sure that they accept that message, your responsibility is to carry my voice to them and to make sure you hear my voice accurately concerning their lives, you accurately speak it out and express my heart for my people; everything else you can let it be in their hands, their responsibility, their choice, and their will. If they decide to accept it, praise God and if they decide not to accept it, still praise God. And the Lord is preparing Ezekiel by saying,‘ I know these people, they are a rebellious house. I have known them for a long time, I know how they respond to prophets, and I have seen how they respond to correction. One thing is true that they are a rebellious house.’
So, when you go to God and you are receiving a word for your office, your church, your city, your nation that you represent, the Lord is also going to give an insight into how the people are going to respond to the word and that will prepare you, and make sure you that you don’t get disappointed, that you don’t get too carried away by their response. And the Lord is telling Prophet Ezekiel that they are a rebellious house, rebellion has been in their DNA from the very beginning.
But this is what you need to remember when you have spoken when you have finished your calling when you have done your part, one thing shall be certain it shall be known that there is a Prophet among them. So, let me prophesy this over you, and the world that you represent; it may be your home, church, office, city, or a nation that you are representing; let me prophesy this over you, because of you being in that office, it shall be said that there is a prophet among us; because you live in that city, it shall be said that there is a prophetic voice in the city; because you live in the neighborhood, it shall be said that there is a prophetic voice in the neighborhood.
Because you work in that place, there shall be no blessing or disaster that can happen unless the prophet has seen it or spoken it. So, I declare that you will have the insight and the grace and the understanding and the foresight to declare what is about to happen, how things are going to shift, and where the winds are blowing to, you will have an understanding of it even before it happens. I declare that over you right now in Jesus’ mighty name. The people may accept it or reject it and we are really not worried about how they respond, we must be concerned about how we represent God, and how accurately we tell them about Jesus.
The book of Revelation 19:10 mentions, “The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus.” So, if the spirit of prophecy is upon you; you will glorify, honor, elevate and exalt the name and person of Jesus wherever you go. May the power of Jesus flow through you as you exalt the name of Jesus. Let it be said that there is a Prophet among us.
Prayer: Father we thank you for this beautiful new morning. We thank you because your sons and daughters are marching out as Prophets and Prophetess in their homes, workplaces, cities, and nations. We declare that not a word they speak today shall fall to the ground, not a desire they utter will be in vain, everything will be prophetic in nature. Give them the grace to strengthen themselves, and guard their hearts and words in such a manner that everything they speak is what they hear from you, in Jesus’ mighty name we pray. Amen!
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