Discipling & Training Women Leaders
Tune in as Apostle Priji converse with Pastor Nima on how to disciple and train women leaders in church. Do share with your friends to bless them.
Apostle Priji: Greetings in Jesus name. Welcome to Church Talk podcast. We are so glad that you are tuning in. This season we are doing videos of each and every podcast that we are doing and we are so glad that you are a part of this journey.
We have a dear friend of mine, a co-labourer in revive nations. We are so grateful to have PastorNima Wilson joining us all the way from Malaysia. Welcome Pastor Nima.
Pastor Nima: Greetings to you all. Thank you Apostle Priji for giving me the opportunity to be with you all. It’s an honour and pleasure to be here with you all.
Apostle Priji: We would love to hear a little bit of your journey? When did the Lord speak to you about pastoring?
Pastor Nima: It’s been 12 years of being a pastor. Before that, I was under a senior pastor where I was involved in bible study and prayer groups. There was a need in the tamil service and that was the time when my senior pastor asked me to take over. It was a shock but deep inside of me I knew that there was something that is coming up, but I kept ignoring also being a woman; I din’t know how it would work. We started with 2 people and withn 3 months there were 50 people. After 3 months our Prophet called and said, ‘God wants to anoint you as a leader. Why are you running away?’From that moment I started taking my calling very seriously. God has been very faithful.
Apostle Priji: When we come to a place where we just start trusting His plans over our own agendas and ambitions, we will never fail. How did you address the question that people would have asked you about being a woman and a pastor?
Pastor Nima: Untill now I receive these kind of questions. Some might be very harsh. When you know that the Lord has called you and that placed something inside of you, nothing can stop you. When you submit and let God lead the way, He will make a way for those people under you to accept you as a Pastor. Outside the church you cannot do anything, they have decided to believe what they want to believe.
Apostle Priji: How can we raise women leaders in our respective churches?
Pastor Nima: When we think about women’s ministry, we fix women to do certain things like ushering, hospitality, cleaning the church. We have to be confident in who we are in Christ. What I have noticed is that women can see details. I feel that God has gifted this ability in women where they can look ibto details and get everything done in excellence. Many women have this doubt,am I able to do this; they don’t realize that God has given them something; With women, they have a imposter syndrome where they thing that they are not good enough. I have to really break that; God called both men and women. God said to Adam and Even to have dominion. This calling was for both men as well as women.
God has empowered us. We have to really teach them and bring them out, and tell them to see what God has put inside of them, to walk in the authority and power that God has given them.
Apostle Priji: Sometimes because of the way the world, families have treated women, there is a constant fear and doubt which keeps them second guessing the call of God in their life, telling them probably they are not empowered enough! Sometimes men pastors, we have a tendency to not deal with the emotional aspect of women leaders. Women are emotionally expressive and that is a gift that God has given them; How can we encourage our pastors to accurately help the emotional side of women leaders?
Pastor Nima: This is a part of women we have to deal with; they are sensitive. It’s still a beautiful thing where women have a sensitivity. If you go deeper, you will find that their expectations are either from their father or their husband or their sons’. They have very high expectations. First thing that I have to deal with is that, put your expectations on Jesus. The second important thing that I teach is harness your emotions, you cant go high and low. When you come to a place of leadership, you have to learn to harness your emotions, we have to say, God we depend on you. When you have to cry, your tears should only be to know how much Jesus has loved you.
Apostle Priji: As women leaders, is there anything that you would give as word of advice, the kind of boundaries you would recommend for women leaders?
Pastor Nima: In a position of a leader, sometimes I see that women gets carried away. There are also times when they become very bossy. We have sit down with them and talk to them about character development. We have teach them about humility, servanthood, respect to men. We have to be very watchful in this area. We cannot come to a place of controlling everyone. We have to be very careful, character development is so important.
Apostle Priji: Amazing. Thank you so much Pastor Nima. You are a great role model for all of us to follow. We are so grateful to have you in our family. Could you take a moment to pray for everyone?
Pastor Nima: Thank you Apostle Priji for giving me this opportunity.
Apostle Priji: How can the viewers and listeners connect with you?
Pastor Nima: You can connect with us through nimawilson in instagram, facebook and youtube.
Apostle Priji: Share it with your friends and let them know that this is a word of encouragement.
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