The Steering Force
Mark 1:12 (AMP)
“Immediately the [Holy] Spirit forced Him out into the wilderness.”
This day, the Lord has kept His heart and His eyes upon us. Wherever we are, the Lord is making sure that each of our needs are provided for and we will be taken care of, as per heavenly standards. One of our greatest needs, is to have the voice of God leading us and we are grateful that we have the person of the Holy Spirit who gives us directions, gives us help and understanding in what to do next. The problem many of us face, is not just the fact that we don’t know what is our next step, it is also, we feel incapable in our ability to do the right thing, to do the will of God for our lives. This is where the Holy spirit comes in, he is the steering wheel in the car, that will now drive us into our destination.
Mark 1: 9-13 says, when the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus, he came down in the form of a gentle dove. We’ll never think that that a dove would have the power to push a human being, and yet verse 12 says that the Holy Spirit pushed and pressurized Jesus into the wilderness. This same Holy Spirit who looked like that he was just there to be a friend to Jesus, he was now becoming an advocate to Jesus, he was not just driving Jesus around, he became the driving force, the motivation, that Jesus needed to go into the wilderness. Today, if you allow the Holy Spirit, he is going to force us into a direction, that is going to help us in the long run. Temporarily, it may look like it’s a punishment that we are being forced to go into the wilderness, temporarily it may look like it’s a challenge when you are being tempted by Satan for forty days and forty nights. But, the Lord knows what is best for us in the season ahead. He is not only going to reveal to us what we need to do next, he is also going to help and push us, into taking those steps.
The only thing God is looking for is our willingness, our availability and openness. If we keep our hearts open to the Holy Spirit and we say yes to his will, to his push, to him taking over lives and leading us, then he will take us into the next step, to the next season, next area and next victory. We need to express, ‘Lord I am out of breath, I am out of ideas, out of resources. If you would help me Holy spirit, I can do all things. I can conquer all mountains, I can enter into my promised land, and I can see the will of God begin to manifest in every area of my life’.
Because, he is perfectly capable of bringing us to our end destination, just allow him and trust him.
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