Judgement & Fire

by | Purification

Isaiah 4:4 (AMPC)

“After the Lord has washed away the [moral] filth of the daughters of Zion [pride, vanity, haughtiness] and has purged the bloodstains of Jerusalem from the midst of it by the spirit and blast of judgment and by the spirit and blast of burning and sifting.”


This season, we are focused on trying to understand the work and function of the Holy Spirit in a believers life. Each day as we get to know the Spirit of God better, the manifestation in our lives will increase. Isaiah 4:4 says about the function Holy Spirit carries out in the Church. He not only convicts us, but also cleanses us. The Holy Spirit is watchful of all the sinful things we do and he comes to wash and purge it away.

The way our Lord is doing this purifying process in us, is by the spirit of judgment and fire. We need both. God will not condemn us, but he is going to judge us by pointing out our struggles and weaknesses we face in our life. When we are judged by people around us, don’t run away from them, because the Lord is using that person as a voice of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to help us identify the source of what we are doing and how we are reacting. We must allow our leaders to judge us. Because the spirit of judgment is going to purge and refine us. The spirit of fire has not just washed and purged us, but it is carving out for us the new way of living.

A new refined and purified way of representing Jesus on the earth. The spirit of God poured on us is not just a fighter, advocate or a helper. He is also a purifier to each and everyone of us. We need that purifying help in our hearts, minds, homes, businesses etc, in every aspects of our lives.

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