Act of Wisdom

by | Seek Understanding

Psalms 53:2 (GW)

“God looks down from heaven on Adam’s descendants to see if there is anyone who acts wisely, if there is anyone who seeks help from God.”


This day the Lord has assured his help and guidance for each and every one of us who seek help diligently. Sometimes, we complain and murmur about the things we don’t understand or we don’t see completely. But, remember, he is not a God who changes; he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Whatever situation we are in, he is attentive to our situation, our prayers, and every word that we utter.

Who is God looking for in Psalms 53:2? It doesn’t say that he is looking for very good Christians; ones who are perfect in their ways. The Bible says, that his focus is on Adam’s descendants i.e. all of us. We are Adam’s descendants; that is our original identity. We do become the descendants of the second Adam, Jesus Christ when we believe in him. Yet, originally we were all conceived in sin. And in spite of that, God’s eyes are fixed on us. Even though we are Adam’s descendants, and have weaknesses and failures; the Lord says, ‘I’m going to look down from heaven and I’m going to pay attention to Adam’s descendants. God is looking for someone who is acting with wisdom, not being careless with the grace of God. 

The next criterion is, seeking help from God. God is trying to pour his affection on those who act wisely and those who seek help from God. We ought to be dependent on the help that he is offering us, at all times. The wise ones among us are not necessarily perfect but are constantly asking for help from the Lord, because his strength is made perfect in our weakness, in our emptiness, even in our vacuum.


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