Providing for Himself
Genesis 22:8 (NKJV)
“And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” So the two of them went together.”
Sometimes when the Lord demands or requires something of us, it is natural to feel that it is so hard for us, that we have to give up on what is so precious and valuable. God will never expect anything from us that he has not given us already. Everything God expects from us is an overflow of His generosity towards us.
When God asked Abraham his only son, the one whom he loved dearly, remember, that Issac was a son that Abraham couldn’t have produced on his own strength. His son was divinely blessed and graciously given to Abraham and Sarah in their old age. In Genesis 22:8 it says, that “God provided for himself”, not for Abraham. The provision that God made was for himself. We know that our God is a providing God. However, the object of this provision is not us, our church, our city, or our nation. When God is providing, He is providing for himself. When we understand this it will be easy for us to give back freely for the expansion of His kingdom and we will be able to return every blessing and provision in the form of worship, praise, adoration, and surrendering our will for His will. Every provision we receive from the Lord is already what we received from Him and we are just participating in giving it back to the Lord.
When God gives us a job, child, or marriage it is God who has provided for himself. This is God’s providence and is for His Glory. When we live a lifestyle with this revelation we will never be bothered about giving our money and sacrifices to the Lord.
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