Make Room

by | Whole of us

Luke 22:11 (NLT)

“say to the owner, ‘The Teacher asks: Where is the guest room where I can eat the Passover meal with my disciples?’”


Welcome to this beautiful opportunity to know and walk with God, may the Lord continue to use us in our place or situation. Remember, we cannot give just one aspect of our life to God, but he has to use us entirely, everything we have belongs to him. 

Let’s look at Luke 22:11,  Jesus knew his assignment. All he wanted to know was “Where is the room” Show me the room to have an intimate communion, release an impartation, train, and have a relationship with the disciples.  God wanted this guy to give up his comfort, so Jesus asks the owner “Where is that room”. Similarly, he asks us to use our hearts, houses, finances, and relationships but where is the room in our lives for him to use what we have and who we are? 

Our relationship with God does not finish with our encounter with him or receiving something from him but it should go beyond that, to where our ministries, our words, and our homes and lives are available. The disciples did not know the owner but the owner knew Jesus.  So the disciples were asked to enquire with the owner of this house and “say that the teacher is looking for a room, space, availability”. Today, God is looking for a space in our life. He is looking for loyal, pure-hearted ones for God to use them. If we can say “Here I am Lord use us, though it may be uncomfortable, take over our lives, completely use us, reinvent us. Don’t let my life be all about me but may my home encounter you and your disciples. I am available in my entirety”  As we pray this, may the Lord take this prayer seriously and use us like never before.

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