Know No Evil
Ecclesiastes 8:5 (DARBY)
“Whoso keepeth the commandment shall know no evil thing; and a wise man’s heart knoweth time and manner.”
Ecclesiastes 8:5 says “Whosoever keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man’s heart knoweth the time and the manner”. It speaks of two categories of people, one is those who obey, keep the commandments, and are submissive and heed the instructions. These are either commandments received from the lord or the leader. Those who keep these commandments will know no evil. Each of us is prone to evil until we submit to instructions. A child of God can escape evil around them and the best way to escape is to seek out instructions, we need to surrender and submit to, in this season. If we can ask the Lord or our spiritual parents for instruction or commandment, and when we submit to that commandment, we shall know no evil.
The next thing the Bible says is that we are wise people if we reach a place of constantly obeying the commandment. Children have to be constantly reminded of certain things, but when they grow up they have an understanding of certain instructions and do it without any instructions from parents. Bible says when we constantly grow in this wisdom and become wise, our hearts will know the time and manner, to do the next thing. As we grow in God, we will automatically know the right time, environment, and opportunity, not just the timing but also the manner and this is our identity.
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