Win Your Freedom
1 Corinthians 7:21 (CEV)
“Are you a slave? Don’t let that bother you. But if you can win your freedom, you should.”
There may be certain circumstances where we may be limited. It could be at our workplace, in relationships, etc. What do we do in those situations?
In 1 Corinthians: 7:21, the first statement is explaining that there is nothing wrong in our environment, just because we are a slave. He is talking to a group of people who were sold into slavery maybe because of a debt, their parents, circumstances. Now, the gospel has come to them, they have known Jesus, and they have become believers. Yet, in the natural, they are still slaves, still submitted to an earthly regiment. Apostle Paul writes to them and says “just because you are a slave in the natural does not mean that you are not free in the spirit.”
There may be certain seasons when the Lord may want us to serve in that particular environment. For example: There was a season when Joseph was a prisoner, slave. Eventually, he reached the palace where he became the next in line to Pharaoh. In the house of Potiphar he was a slave boy. Even in that limiting environment he was able to flourish, the favour of God worked for him, and the Lord used him mightily. So, let’s not quote our environment as a reason for our lack of fruitfulness. If any of us are a slave in a particular environment, do not let that bother us. In the next instruction, he says “but if you can win your freedom you should.” The Lord will bring us to a place where we are not limited and will bring us to a place of transition. For some of us, we are about to hit that transition phase of our life. Let’s stay faithful in our season of being a slave. Stay humble, stay rooted in the voice of God and at the right time God will come through for us. At the right time we will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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