Before and Now

by | Mindfulness

(2 Peter 3:2 KJV)

“that ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:”


The Lord, in this season, is working on our memory, senses, and ability to grasp everything that He is depositing into our spirits. Many times, because of our carelessness, we lose out on the oil that He pours into our lives. The oil carries the anointing and power to take us into the next step, into the promised land, helps overcome the giants, and inherit what God has meant for us to have. That is why it is necessary that we grow in understanding, grow in revelation, and constantly keep ourselves reminded of what God has already spoken. In 2 Peter 3:2, Apostle Peter is talking about two categories of teachings. Those that are by the Prophets and, by the Apostles. He was talking about his contemporary Apostles at that moment and the Prophets of the Old Testament. He wanted people to listen to the Apostles at that time and also remember the Prophets from before that are recorded in the scripture.

If we are ready to taste the oil that the Lord is about to manifest through us, we need to have these two categories of prophecies available. One is that we have to be a ferocious student of the Word of God – many times when we read the Bible, it may not be something new, but be reminded about the ways of God; check if there’s anything we are taking for granted or not pursuing. Secondly, we have to be constantly aware of the Apostles and leaders that the Lord has placed around us today – look at their lives, look at the message coming from their lives; and be intentional to grow in the commandments from them.

Both are equally important. If we are obeying the Bible and rejecting the people God has placed around us, then we are disobeying the scripture. This season, we cannot miss out on a single revelation and for that reason let’s keep ourselves reminded of these precious gems and grow in the Word and voice of God.

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